What Is It?
Obesity is, according to the Oxford Dictionary, the condition of being ‘grossly fat or overweight’. It is a major factor in heart disease, diabetes (more than 3 million people in the UK have diabetes) and premature death. Being obese can decrease your life expectancy by ten years.
Obesity costs the British taxpayer more than its police, prisons and the fire service combined. Obesity is one of the easiest major health problems to resolve and it all begins with education, education, education on what we should be feeding ourselves each day. www.birmingham.ac.uk
Worryingly, a new study has revealed that one in three English children aged between 2-15 years is classified as overweight or obese. In another survey of more than 370,000 children in England, a quarter of the group was found to be clinically obese. www.rt.com
Cause and Effect
All actions that have been put into place to date, including trying to educate people into eating better has proved ineffective against the tidal wave of drug-like foods and drinks which continually pack the shelves of our supermarkets.
The UK has the unenviable name of, ‘The fat man of Europe’. Tackling obesity is now a key government priority. The government has taken different approaches in a bid to deal with the increasing problem of obesity, including introducing a consistent front of pack labelling system, an advice resource about healthy diets and physical activity. It has also developed The Public Health Responsibility Deal which encourages organisations and businesses to make active efforts to be more responsible about encouraging people to make ‘educated’ choices. www.gov.uk
Some medications and hormonal problems may increase weight but these instances are very few compared to the main cause of the widespread problem of obesity which is due to diet and what we eat and drink on a regular basis.
Living a more sedentary lifestyle with a lack of exercise, coupled with a poor diet consisting of processed foods are the main driving forces of the obesity crisis we are now facing.
Juice Pharmacy Recommendations
What to Avoid
All processed foods, red meat and meat products, refined sugars, dairy products, carbonated high sugared drinks, and alcohol should be avoided.
Diet - Ditch the diet! No matter what ‘new diet’ patch, potion or pill comes out the stats remain the same - diets have a 95 per cent failure rate. (Super Juice Me! The Big Juice Experiment - Jason Vale)
What to Include
Juice Master programmes, ranging in length from three to 28 days, are available which will assist weight loss. The 28-day Super Juice Me! plan is suitable for those who need to lose a significant amount of weight. Juice Master always advises people to consult their GP before starting the Super Juice Me! programme, especially if they are currently taking any prescribed medication.
Garlic - Both garlic and cayenne pepper may be useful in the fight against obesity.
Positive mental attitude - To be successful with permanent weight loss, you have to combine excellent nutrition, exercise and positivity. Without any one of these components, you will not achieve long lasting success. Turn off the television, PC or games console and read a motivational book such as Slim for Life by Jason Vale which will set you on a journey that will free you from the diet trap.
Raw fruit and vegetables - A good place to start is by eating and juicing raw fruits and vegetables. Some suggestions for fruits and vegetables which are high in nutrients and low in calorific value and so therefore useful in weight loss are peppers, broccoli, celery, kale, parsley, beetroot, pineapple and pear.
One study found that eating raw foods resulted in significant weight loss which was believed to be due to the increased intake of fibre. Another study, published in the Annals of Nutrition Germany 1999, concluded that raw diets are associated with a high loss of body weight and amenorrhea.
Water - Increase your daily intake of water. Often, when you think you are hungry you are actually mistaking your body’s cry for water.
The Juice Recipes
Shot: The Ginger Shot - taken from Jason Vale's Super Juice Me! 28-Day Juice Plan
3cm Ginger
1 Small or ½ Large Apple
Simply juice the ingredients and knock back!
Juice: Mineral Medicine - taken from Jason Vale's Super Juice Me! 28-Day Juice Plan
2 Apples (Golden Delicious or Gala)
3cm Broccoli Stem
1 Celery Stick
¼ Medium Cucumber
3cm Ginger
1 Asparagus Spear
1 Medium Parsnip
3 Ice Cubes
Juice all the fruits and vegetables, then either pour the extracted juice into the blender with ice and blend or simply add ice to a glass and pour over.
Super Blend: Slimming Smoothie - taken from The Funky Fresh Juice Book
2 Apples
2 Celery Stalks
⅓ Cucumber
1 Lime
3cm Ginger
½ Avocado
Juice the apples, celery, cucumber, lime and ginger. Place the juice and avocado into a blender and blend until smooth.
Please note, it is impossible to give a definitive list as what supports one person can be a trigger food or allergen for another. You must stay your own juice detective at all times and listen to how your own body responds to certain foods and always consult with your healthcare provider when making changes to your diet which may affect your medication. Please be aware that we are not doctors, so it is important to consult with your GP or medical practitioner BEFORE making any changes to your diet. The suggestions above are not meant as an alternative to any current medical treatment so please DO NOT stop taking any medications you are on. They are also not an endorsement of their effectiveness, or a recommendation that they should be followed but instead, are provided for informational purposes. None of the information on the Natural Juice Therapy site is intended or implied to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease.