Worms / Parasites

What Is It?

There are many, many forms of parasitic intestinal worms. These include worms such as tapeworms, pinworms, and roundworms which cannot multiply in the body - these worms lay their eggs inside the body which then pass out via the faeces, so can re-infest the body and others if hand hygiene is not followed. Then there are the worms that can multiply inside the human body and travel around the bloodstream, latching on to wherever they want and allowing serious infections to take hold, including blindness and brain damage, so their existence must be taken very seriously. Worms/parasites can remain in the body for many years, sometimes undetected, creating havoc with our health. www.organicnutrition.co.uk

Threadworms are most common in children, since they tend to forget to wash their hands and share their toys with others.

Cause and Effect

Symptoms of intestinal worms include poor immune function, lack of libido, candidacies, rectal itching, mouth sores, fatigue, allergies and cravings.

Intestinal parasites can enter the body via contaminated water or food. For this reason, it is advisable to be mindful when travelling, especially to undeveloped countries. Use bottled water, not only for drinking but cleaning teeth. Be cautious about eating raw foods and swimming in lakes and rivers. www.humanillnesses.com

Worms such as threadworm (also known as pinworm) can be transmitted from person to person if good hand hygiene isn’t followed. Practise good hand hygiene after going to the bathroom, changing nappies etc. Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling fish or meat and ensure both are thoroughly cooked.

Juice Pharmacy Recommendations:

What to Avoid

Sugar - Sugar feeds parasites and also eats up the supply of B vitamins and minerals in the body. A parasitic infection may lead to cravings for carbohydrates and refined sugar, so it is best to avoid these kinds of food to starve parasites off their energy and fuel.

What to Include

Cloves - Research has shown that cloves, black walnut and wormwood may be helpful in the treatment of worms.

Garlic - Dr Jensen states (Better Bowel Care by Dr Bernard Jensen): ‘Intestinal worms proliferate when the colon is dirty and pocketed etc. Deter them by consuming garlic or the herb black walnut’. Intestinal parasites hate garlic and respond very quickly to the ingredient. Some ancient Indian medical books suggest putting garlic bulbs in the shoes and walking on crushed garlic for the day, the garlic juice being absorbed into the sole of the foot and permeating the entire body without the resultant garlic breath (not so good for the shoes and smelly feet though!).

Ginger - Studies have shown that ginger, because of its anthelmintic or anti-parasitic properties, can inhibit or kill various parasites. (Ginger – Common Spice & Wonder Drug by Paul Schulick).

Greens - Green juices help to build the immune system so the body can naturally fend off any unwanted bacteria and even parasites. Green juices are anti-parasitic and easy on the digestive system, which means the body will not have to compete with the parasites in order to obtain the nutrients. As a result, the parasites will not get the foods they need to survive and eventually begin to die off and leave the body.

Pomegranate - Both pomegranate and apricots are helpful, so try adding with a probiotic to your juice to keep the digestive tract healthy.

The Juice Recipes

Shot: The Anti-Vampire Shot
Juice 1 clove of garlic and ½ an unwaxed lemon - down in one, and no garlic breath!

Juice: Juice Master's Super Juice - taken from Jason Vale's 7-Day Juice Challenge
½ Lime (Peeled)
2 Golden Delicious or Royal Gala apples
¼ Pineapple
¼ Medium Cucumber
¼ Avocado (Ripe)
10 oz Fresh Wheatgrass
1 Level tsp Spirulina
1 Capsule of Acidophilus Bacteria Powder
Juice the apples, pineapple, cucumber and lime. Put the avocado flesh into a blender along with the ice, wheatgrass, spirulina, and the friendly bacteria powder. Blend everything until smooth, pour and enjoy.


Please note, it is impossible to give a definitive list as what supports one person can be a trigger food or allergen for another. You must stay your own juice detective at all times and listen to how your own body responds to certain foods and always consult with your healthcare provider when making changes to your diet which may affect your medication. Please be aware that we are not doctors, so it is important to consult with your GP or medical practitioner BEFORE making any changes to your diet. The suggestions above are not meant as an alternative to any current medical treatment so please DO NOT stop taking any medications you are on. They are also not an endorsement of their effectiveness, or a recommendation that they should be followed but instead, are provided for informational purposes. None of the information on the Natural Juice Therapy site is intended or implied to treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease.


Rheumatism / Rheumatoid Arthritis

